Master Plan FAQ

What is the Master Plan?

The Master Plan is a roadmap for the city’s future. It evaluates where we are now, what we hope to be in the future, and what policies and actions are needed to achieve that future vision. It will also align the work of city departments by reviewing priorities and projects identified in various plans completed since the last comprehensive Master Plan Update in 2009

The Master Plan: 

  • Identifies the City's priorities for the next 10-20 years regarding topics like housing, equity, development, infrastructure, and more.  

  • Tells City departments and City Council which programs, services, and projects to direct resources to during budget and capital planning cycles. 

  • Sets the foundation for new development and zoning changes in your neighborhood. 

What topics will the Master Plan Update consider?

By State law, the Master Plan must address land use and development patterns, transportation, public facilities, and utilities. In addition, we plan to discuss topics that matter most to you – including equity, sustainability, resiliency, housing, open space, economy and jobs, infrastructure, arts, culture, and history, and public health and safety. These topics may change as we move through the planning process. 

Will the Master Plan rezone property in my neighborhood?

The Master Plan does NOT rezone property. It may identify areas where zoning could change in the future, but rezoning is a separate process that requires further research and a public hearing at the City Planning Commission to take effect.

How can I get involved in the planning process?

If you want to get in the weeds: Apply now to serve on our Master Plan Advisory Group. 

If you’re interested in deep conversations, but don’t have time to serve on the Advisory Group: Email us at [email protected] to express your interest in participating in our focus groups starting in Phase 2 of the project. 

If you want a quick and easy way to get involved: We will be distributing surveys and popping up at meetings and events near you throughout the project. Sign up for our email list to stay up to date on upcoming engagement.  

If you want project updates: Sign up for our email list and follow us on Instagram (@detroit_pdd) or Facebook (City of Detroit Planning & Development Department).  

Who are the consultants working on the project?

The consultant team is led by Smithgroup and includes Mass Economics, Center for Community Progress, Public Sector Consultants, Noell Consulting Group, and Detroitography. 

How long will it take?

The Master Plan Update process is anticipated to conclude in late 2025.

Who can I reach out to if I have more specific questions?

Contact Julie Connochie at [email protected] or 313-628-0221.