Special Land Use Hearings


9:00 AM
Case: SLU2023-00238
Address: 9301 Oakland Ave.  (PIN:  03002299.)    
Proposed Use: Renovate a vacant two-story building to establish 10 Residential dwelling units on the second floor and 4,800 square feet of Permitted Commercial space on the first floor in a B4 (General Business) Zoning District. 

9:30 AM
Case: SLU2024-00029
Address:  637, 643, & 649 Leicester Ct. (PIN: 03002574., 03002575., & 03002576.)
Proposed Use:  Develop a 10,584 square foot, 17-space Accessory Parking Lot to serve a re-developed mixed-use building in an R3 (Low Density Residential) Zoning District.  

10:00 AM
Case: SLU2024-00035 & SPR2023-00074
Address:  440, 446, & 460 Martin L. King Jr. Blvd. (PIN:  02000735., 02000736., & 02000737.)
Proposed Use:  Construct a four-story, 49-unit Multi-Family Dwelling on existing vacant land in an SD2 (Special Development, Mixed-Use) Zoning District.

ZOOM MEETING ID: 895-1710-6887

DIAL IN NUMBER: 1-267-831-0333